Sunday, March 16, 2014

An effective treatment for acne and skin imperfections without hiding our medicine cabinet

 Un tratament eficient pentru o piele fără acnee şi imperfecţiuni se ascunde în dulăpiorul nostru de medicamente

Aspirin is used as an effective treatment to fade acne and skin irritations due to salicylic acid content , which was shown to reduce inflammation , combat acne , closes pores , softens skin and soothes skin irritations ,To prepare a face masks , mix five aspirin tablets crushed with a spoonful of yogurt and a tablespoon of honey. The mask should not be used by people allergic to dairy or aspirin. Therefore , before using the mask , apply some mixture behind the ear to see if you are allergic .
If you have a dry skin , it is recommended to add more honey, and if you have oily skin , you need to add more yogurt.
Masks should not be applied more often than twice a week , otherwise it becomes too sensitive and dry skin . Instead of these ingredients , you can use a moisturizer or purifying gel with aloe vera .The aspirin is very effective if used daily purifying gel , then apply a moisturizer with SPF .

Sunday, January 19, 2014

International Day Autism Awareness

April 2 was declared by the United Nations as the International Day of awareness of autism. Marking this day aims to combine global efforts in promoting better understanding of autism and increasing awareness of the social problems of individuals with autism and their families.

Also, International Autism Awareness Day is an occasion in addition to warning the public about the existence of people with autism and tackle the problems in diagnosing disease.

 Mostly, the symptoms of autism is manifested by the age of three years by severe impairment of the ability of a person to interact socially and communicate , producing stereotyped and repetitive behavior . In about 75 % of affected individuals persist and mental handicap .

It is estimated that in the world today are affected about 67 million people. On average , autism occurs in 3 to 4 in 10,000 children, boys are 4 times more commonly affected than girls.

For children aged up to 1 year disease may be suspected if it highlights the lack of " complex of refreshing " in this mother a smile to demonstrate various toys, sleep disturbances persist and increased excitability . With age, most children with autism do not notice the lack or this mother , it is diminished differentiation capacity of beings and objects around them and were afraid of what is new in the entourage. steriotipe movements occur in their behavior , play with objects that are not intended ( paper, ampoule boxes , etc. . ) and games have a monotone , stereotypical and meaningless . these children prefer " solitude " and refused contact with their peers , not in the eye .

By the age of 5-6 years old children with autism do not answer questions , although it has made ​​speech . In most of them stand out secondary intellectual impairment or mental retardation . Approximately 40 % of children with mild intellectual impairment is found , normal intellect .

During school these children gradually occurs gradually reducing autism and partial transformation in other psychopathological states , but autism is kept as emotional indifference . Therefore , the school age children frequently changing diagnosis . The most severe form of autism is marked by a complete lack of adaptability in communication or interaction with other people.

Parents of children who notice such symptoms should consult their family doctor to be consulted by the neurologist and child psychiatrist . In the treatment of children with autism is essential selection psychological methods of education , teaching and speech therapy occupations . Drug treatment , cure , will be shown only by a psychiatrist for children, medical standards , following long-term social adjustment - autistic child .

Development , education and training of a child with autism requires a major commitment from the parents . An early intervention through special education , family support , and in some cases, and drug therapy , all help to more children with autism to develop and live a normal life. Special interventions and educational programs enhance the ability of these children to learn to communicate with their peers , reduce frequency and severity of undesirable behaviors . The sooner a child begins to get help , the greater the possibility of normal development .

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Anorexia and bulimia in adolescents teenage health

teenage health
With eating disorders do not play, especially if it manifests in adolescence. The most exposed are young, and the number of those suffering from these diseases has greatly increased in recent years.

A really worrying fact is that these eating disorders have been the cause of many deaths, especially anorexia whose mortality rate is about 20%. Anorexic teenagers perceive their body as more fat than in reality. They can not be accepted as it is and this makes them take drastic diets, have the impression that no matter how little they eat foods make them gain weight. Therefore, we not only suntafectate relationships with others, and daily activities.

What are the causes?

Often the severity with which parents can raise their children to create their adolescence, psychological problems due to the limitations in the family. Another factor that can lead to anorexia is a desire to please his entourage. Opinion is of great friends adolescence and young women live with the feeling that they are weaker, are more attractive.

Therefore, it is difficult to accept that they have a health problem. Conversely, adolescents who suffer from bulimia are willing to receive help from a psychotherapist. I am aware that faced with a disease.

Moreover, they feel guilty that they can not curb appetite, and even go so far as to try eliminating foods eaten before being digested by inducing vomiting.
Parents can prevent these diseases

As a parent , you can easily see if there is something wrong with the way your child eats . The most common signs of anorexia are excessive weight decrease , deprivation of food or food cut into small pieces and the sensation that he ate a lot.

A young bulimic should concern you as soon as you see that after eating heartily strives to eliminate food by inducing vomiting or using laxatives . Here are some things you can do to prevent your daughter to risk complications due to any of these two problems !

- Be strong and self confidence .
- Create io feel good about the way it looks to not be influenced by the opinions of others.
- If you want to keep a diet , decide together what you eat and aim if followed.
- Pays attention on her food to avoid excesses of any kind.
- Eat together and not let your children eat on the run in front of the TV or computer.
- If signs of any of these diseases , go along to a therapist and not
cease to show him how much you love the way it is
- During treatment , help to recognize signs of illness.

Health Benefits WALNUTS

Walnuts are an excellent food-medicine. Nuts for health benefits are numerous, from avoiding cancer or diabetes, to positive effects on the reproductive system and on morale. 

Walnuts lower risk of developing diabetes 

A recent study in the United States, performed on 140,000 women, showed that if you eat nuts at least twice a week, the risk of catching type 2 diabetes decreases four times. This study demonstrates that genetic predispositions to certain diseases make in life can be avoided by eating a balanced diet. 

Walnuts reduce the risk of cancer 

Another U.S. study showed that walnuts eaten daily, slow the growth of existing cancerous tumors and reduce the risk of new tumors. Walnut effect on tumors is not due only unsaturated fatty acids in their composition, but high vitamin E content of nuts. 

health awareness

health awareness
Research on Awareness coefficient ( " Consciousness Quotient - CQ " ) and Awareness Rating Scale ( " CQ Inventory " ) were presented the scientific community for the first time in June 2009 at the conference " Toward a Science of Consciousness ", held in Hong Kong "Center for scientific studies on consciousness " , University of Arizona , USA.

How was the idea of ​​" coefficient of Awareness " by the international community ?

In contradiction , I can say now looking back . Until now , researchers have been reluctant consciousness measure conscious experience because of the lack of a unitary explanatory model of the phenomenon . Existing explanatory theories are still segmented and limited to the science of the author that it has issued and may not be connected to other theories of conscious experience . Even neuropsychological theories that offer explanations and neural connections do not seem to be safe . At this time , no scientist and no science can say and prove scientifically that found the cause and explanation of conscious phenomena . Approaches , however, are varied and there are many scientific perspective on the phenomenon , from neurologists , psychologists , doctors, geneticists and philosophers. I mention a few names : Tart , Chalmers , Wilber , Searle , Baars , Krick & Koch , Ornstein , Lilly , Grof , Hilgard , Dennett , Engler , Coan , Jackendorf , Forman , Flanagan and others.

Where'd they come from assessments ?
Theory on awareness and test coefficient measuring this coefficient have been well received by a number of scholars with whom I had occasion to talk . Neurobiology Bernard Baars , for example , co -editor of the famous magazine " Consciousness and Cognition " helped me to position this theory to be better received by the scientific community. We received feedback , and suggestions for developing the concept from David Chalmers , famous for his theories on the emergence and development of consciousness, but also to scholars in the area of psychology and medicine:
Harris Friedman , a psychology professor at the University of Florida , David Lukoff , from U.S. Insitututul Transpersonal Psychology , John Rowan , one of the founders of humanistic psychology in the UK. Beyond assessment, we had denials dialog . One of the officers review journal " Nature ", for example , has not agreed to publish the article, because the theory does not refer to a neurobiological theory of consciousness. Not that I'd be grumpy , but even his theory was missing from my article ... I encouraged but positive feedback from the famous magazine " Scientific American " , which will appear soon coefficient Awareness presentation . Currently , research is being published in the "International Journal of Transpersonal Studies" published by the International Association of Transpersonal Psychology .

How did the concept of coefficient of awareness ?
Research on coefficient of awareness and awareness Rating Scale were conducted my doctoral studies in the period 2003-2008 , the Institute of Anthropology of the Romanian Academy , under the guidance
Mrs. prof. Dr. Cornelia Guja and academician Mr. Constantin Bălăceanu - Stolnici . My interest , however, is older conscious experience . We started in 1997 by a research electroencephalographic and electro meditation . For 6 years I have been studying in detail all scientific and religious literature on the phenomenon , trying to find out the current state of science.

And what was the conclusion?
The conclusions of this period , however, were inconclusive documentation for my attempt to find a unified theory of the experience of awareness . Simply no integrative theory of conscious experience . Lack of knowledge of the phenomenon can be observed in the absence of terms directly related to this skill : when we speak of conscious experience we have DNA to justify the emergence of consciousness, do not even have a unified theory regarding the mechanism of operation and transformation ability to be aware of. This is because , as spirit , consciousness itself is not palpable and there was found no organ or nerve center to manage exclusive experience. It seems that the ability to be aware is more the result of all sub- systems of the human being .

What is the coefficient of awareness ?
The basic premise from which we started is: be aware = access to information ( self has access to ... ) . Access does not necessarily mean understanding , that is processing complex information by cognitive mechanisms , and providing a result to me. As a basic principle , based on the current level of scientific knowledge postulate that the Self is known principles ( like Himself , Spirit , Soul , Atman etc . ) .
In addition , I believe that the experience of awareness is quantifiable and measurable factors and sub ​​factors which are themselves measurable , so we developed and awareness measurement scale . In preparing Scale I assumed that there is a current level / current awareness ( margin ) which reflects the currently evolving the person waking in normal life . Current awareness is manifested after 1-2 hours after waking up in the morning, in normal life without any technical modification practice of consciousness (including without drinking coffee or other foods without external stimuli - TV , radio , music , meetings with other people , etc. ) .

It is possible to improve our awareness ?
Yes , awareness can change, but it takes time and strong energy inputs to " destabilize " the old Mental and install a new level of awareness. For example , yoga exercises or prayer or simply self-analysis can not.

What factors is composed of conscious experience ?
The six dimensions of conscious experience , which we have taken into account in assessing awareness are: Awareness of Physics, Emotional Awareness , Mental Awareness (cognitive ) , spiritual awareness , social awareness , relationships, self-awareness ( self-awareness I ) . These six dimensions have become main factors Awareness Rating Scale .

What does each level of awareness ?
Awareness actual (physical ) refers to the ability to be aware of the physical and tangible elements of the environment.
Emotional Awareness is the ability to be aware / D of emotions and feelings and generally any emotional experience .
Awareness of mental ( cognitive ) refers to the ability to be aware / D own ideas and thoughts in general mental flow .
Spiritual Awareness refers to the ability to be aware / D that man is only a part of the universe , and the ability to realize multiple connections with the life that surrounds us.
Awareness of social / relational refers to the ability to be aware of the relationships and connections with people around .
Self- awareness is the ability to become aware of themselves, their own ego.
To describe relevant experience and other facets of awareness we built nine sub- factors. The nine sub- factors are internal state awareness ( "Internal State Awareness " ) , self- reflection ( "Self - reflectiveness ") Detach / contemplative ( " Mindfulness " ) , autonomy ( " Autonomy " ) , personal development ( "Personal Growth " ) , positive relationships with others ( " positive Relations with others " ) , purpose in life ( " Purpose in life " ) , outward verbal content " , "openness - Openness to new experiences ."

As you know that awareness assessment test is correct?
First I followed all the rules of scientific and methodological implementation and evaluation of a psychological test . The sample was 2,474 persons , national representative for the "premium " ( higher education , disposable income ) in urban areas. And in the process of pre-testing , conducted on 150 people, items analysis was performed accurately. To assess the test we re- calculated the Cronbach Alpha coefficient , we performed a factor analysis etc. . ( do not go into statistical details ) showed that size built by me are correct .

So what's next for developing this new concept?
There are expected to be published and in progress versions in different languages. By applying it in different populations around the world, in time, will be made ​​grants of fineness of the scale to account for bias cultural sites and thus will be able to refine the research instrument . I hope that in time coefficient Awareness and measurement test to be applied to all areas of everyday life , as is now the IQ and emotional intelligence . With the development of applied research on various social segments , cultural awareness coefficient can become a part of everyday culture . There are now quite easy emotional intelligence , but do not forget that 15 years have passed since the concept was developed by Goleman . I hope that in 10 years to have the term " coefficient of awareness " in the current language .

Study : Romanians - aware of the body and emotions

The article presents some of the findings resulting from the application of the Awareness Rating Scale , shown in national premiere . The results for the people of Romania are now validated only being in progress variants for the U.S. , Italy and Germany. Given that the research is not yet published , we may disclose only some conclusions from comparative analyzes .

Here's how we stand Romanians :
GLOBAL AWARENESS average coefficient of 56
Awareness of Physics 60
Emotional Awareness 57
Mental Awareness 54
Spiritual Awareness 57
Social Awareness - Relational 52
Self- Awareness 59
Of all sizes , it seems that we are most aware of the physical body and our emotions . Relatively known empirical situation in that you are a Latin people . But remember that just now demonstrated scientifically.

Women and men equal in coştientizarea emotions
Gender: no significant differences between the sexes in terms of awareness (it seems that women are more emotional though , are equally aware of their emotions as men ) .

There are also extra weight good for something
Weight: variable variable is not correlated with awareness.
There is however a trend : higher weight is correlated with increased spiritual Awareness (r = .086 ) , emotional (r = .067 ) and less , the physical (r = .042 ) .
Possible interpretations : the extreme " obesity " Psychological studies show that people are crushed by the thought " why me? " And tend to re- evaluleze purpose in life and position in life , the whole process is accompanied by a strong emotional , leading to the entrance of emotions in the scene of attention. It is noted that a relatively small number of people ( 27 % ) are aware that they are very intense emotions , which may help explain the low variance (r = .067 ) between overall and emotional awareness .

High and emotional
Height : variable variable is not correlated with awareness.
In people with a greater height increases emotional awareness (r = .099 is very close to the significant level ) and very little the Relational (r = .043 very low) .
Possible interpretations : the greater height , especially above average women, leading to an increase in energy -related emotional physical situation can not be changed, perhaps emotional energies that lead to a general increase in awareness in the area of emotions .

Hair " white " awareness " young "
Age : Although there appears to be a significant relationship between age and awareness , the Pearson correlation coefficient is very low . It can be considered that there is a slight increase awareness with age.

Awareness can not be bought
Income : There is no significant correlation . I mean people with high incomes are equally aware that people with low incomes.

No prayer does not help
Practicing spiritual techniques : the total 2,474 participants, only 1,373 said they constantly practice spiritual technique . Awareness does not relate significantly to the practice of spiritual techniques . To analyze in depth this correlation , a reclassification of techniques practiced by the frequency of their mention by respondents reveals the following top 3 : 463 ( prayer, church, religious prayer , prayer ) 27 % 318 ( meditation , yoga, meditation ) 19 % 299 (books, courses , reading, reading) 18%. There is however a trend inverse correlation, which is somewhat paradoxical . In other words , the practice of religious techniques it is possible to decrease awareness, which is exactly the opposite.
There is a social and historical explanation . Let us not forget that religion was often referred to as " sleep of reason " in reference to religion practiced in the table. However , international research conducted on religious communities such as monasteries shows that long-term effects of religious practices are expected , an increase of awareness .
Note that the sample consists largely of socially active people and not monks or other individuals included in the permanent religious programs .1Abc Directory

A nutritious breakfast is essential for health. What risk individuals who do not eat in the morning

A good breakfast can prevent the onset of diabetes and high blood pressure and obesity , according to a study by researchers at the University of Tel Aviv , Israel , published in Obesity , informs .

Nutritionists say a long time people who want to lose weight it is important to eat breakfast like a king , lunch - like a prince and dinner like a pauper .
The new study confirms this information and quantify the influence that has a sumptuous breakfast on body weight .
A hearty breakfast can decrease the levels of insulin and glucose in the body , preventing diabetes and reducing the risk of heart disease , hypertension and hypercholesterolemia . It also reduces the likelihood of a need for snacks during the day , reducing the risk of obesity .
The study involved 93 obese women who consumed either a hearty lunch or an evening meal , during 12 weeks.
All diet containing moderate carbs and fat , totaled 1,400 calories.
The first group consumed 700 calories for breakfast , 500 for lunch and 200 for dinner , second , 200 calories for breakfast , 500 for lunch and 700 for dinner. Dinner and breakfast were identical.
Regarding the group opted for a hearty breakfast , there was a decrease in the levels of ghrelin , an appetite hormone , insulin , glucose and triglyceride levels higher than in the second group.
Moreover, after the study , people who have opted for a rich breakfast lost weight , on average, 8.6 kg , while the volunteers who have adopted the custom of children who weakened on average 3.5 kg .
Also , waist circumference was reduced by 8.3 inches for the first group , compared to 3.8 inches in the second group .
The authors of this study conclude that it is not only important what is consumed at a meal , when its correct diet along with exercise is essential for good health.

What health tests you can do yourself

It can happen to get hit or feel a sudden pain in one part of the body and you want to go to the doctor, but you fail to do this immediately .

During this time , you may worry that you have something serious or against , do not take into account the pain and too dangerous to ignore . Here's what tests you can do yourself at home , according to Men 's Health to analyze your health :

Stretch the abdominal muscles or a hernia ?

Put your hand on your abdomen and feel its area. Hernia often feels , as a part of the gut cavity penetrates the abdominal muscles . If you have a level stretch these muscles , a lack of movement during a few days you will heal . If pain worsens suddenly , especially after coughing or lifting something heavy , you may have a hernia. This is serious and requires the attention of a doctor.

Sensitive teeth or cavities ?

Examine your teeth in the mirror , and if a tooth surface seems to be brighter and more polished than the surrounding or might be damaged to your enamel or gums due to excessive brushing , says dentist Denis Kinane , from the University of Pennsylvania . If the tooth has a cavity , it may not differentiate too much from its neighbor .

Go to the dentist but if you suspect it might be a cavity. In terms of sensitivity , do not worry , because it is extremely common and can be solved . Your doctor will tell you what solutions to use in this regard .

Fracture or sprain ?

Pressed with a finger on the painful area around. If you put pressure on the bone and does not hurt as much as the next he is most likely to have a sprain , orthopedist says Jonathan Garino .

Monitor pain longer. Due to inflammation , a dislocation will hurt worse after a few days, as if it were a fracture. If you suspect it is a fracture or pain does not go at all in 48 hours , see your doctor immediately.

A groin rash or herpes ?

If you eat the crotch after your physical workout and you sweat , the more likely you have a rash , says dermatologist Asnan Nasir . This can worsen with time.

Instead , ringworm appears as small red bumps , blisters like . The rash will not go until they receive treatment with an appropriate cream while herpes does not occur between episodes. Either we need to ask the help of a physician experienced .

A nail fungus or athlete's foot ?

Cut the nail affected first . If it is a fungus , the nail will be fragile and will crumble . In addition, it will come off easier skin , leaving a space. Vesi know that it's a fungus and if the smell is not exactly pleasant.

Athlete's foot has no such symptoms. The fungus may disappear after treatment, but athlete's foot can be prevented wearing narrower shoes . The more little space in the shoe , the foot will move less during training and it will affect more than the skin.

health and fitness news

         Physical movement increases the effectiveness of influenza vaccine

Researchers at the University of Iowa found that sport or physical movement increases the effectiveness of influenza vaccine.
The flu vaccine remains the safest way to prevent seasonal flu, even if it has an efficiency of only 50-70%. For enhanced protection against viral infection, U.S. researchers suggest involvement in physical activity immediately after injection achievement .


Nudan - alchemy secrets female 18 to 19 May

Taiyin School brings in Romania benefits for health and beauty Asian practices .
In China , the practice of female transformation called deNudan . Nudan is essential to any woman who really wants to improve the quality of life in all its aspect .

 Nudan acts primarily on the hormonal system , preventing the degradation of women, in addition contribute to improving health (especially the genitalia ) and natural beautification of women from the inside out ,

Nudan - alchemy secrets female 18 to 19 May

Taiyin School brings in Romania benefits for health and beauty Asian practices .
In China , the practice of female transformation called deNudan . Nudan is essential to any woman who really wants to improve the quality of life in all its aspect .

 Nudan acts primarily on the hormonal system , preventing the degradation of women, in addition contribute to improving health (especially the genitalia ) and natural beautification of women from the inside out.

 In Nudan women's health is not just to not have a disease . Degradation is considered a disease , which generally are due to age, but often has nothing to do with time passing , just the way we look at life, the lack of " feminine cultivation ."

 Some of the " symptoms " of female degradation that today are considered "normal" are the expression "face down," even at a young age , breasts lifeless excessive menstrual problems , problems with premenopausal , menopausal its consequences , sexually unfulfilled etc. .

 This workshop is for any woman an opportunity to absorb a series of exercises and practical methods of cultivation feminine watch :
- Health genitals ( uterus, ovaries )
- Health and beauty breast
- A good hormonal balance
- Beauty by Natural Beauty

The workshop will include a presentation Nudanu 's theoretical , Alchemy feminine principles and the main concepts of traditional Chinese medicine .

Physical movement increases the effectiveness of influenza vaccine

Researchers at the University of Iowa found that sport or physical movement increases the effectiveness of influenza vaccine.

The flu vaccine remains the safest way to prevent seasonal flu, even if it has an efficiency of only 50-70%. For enhanced protection against viral infection, U.S. researchers suggest involvement in physical activity immediately after injection achievement.

Due to the strengthening of the body's immune system, help the sport grow vaccine protection rate and prevent the risk of disease and dangerous complications caused by flu.

According to scientists, a workout of 90 minutes of cardio, medium intensity, applied immediately after the vaccine significantly increase vaccine efficacy.

aboriginal health issues

Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia

Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Holy Mount Uluru

In Australia there are over 500 Aboriginal peoples , divided into communities, each with its own language and its own territory. British Invasion that occurred at the end of the eighteenth century had catastrophic consequences on immediate life but also on local traditions and spirituality . However, ancestor worship and communicate with the world " outside " are still present , as the rituals of medicine men and healers , so-called wirinun

Earth is absolutely crucial for Aboriginal peoples , he being in the cultural and spiritual center of their lives . Before the invasion of Australia by the British, most of them settled along the coast of the continent in half community sedentary living from agriculture, fishing and cattle . Aborigines who were in the desert lands and lived by hunting and picking , practicing a technique of burning soil to encourage plant growth preferred by the animals they hunted . Also had and some very advanced techniques to find water .
Currently, more than half of aboriginal living in cities , most often at the periphery , in appalling conditions . Many others are employed as farmers on their lands were taken by force. Very few are those who - especially in the northern part of the continent - have managed to remain on their ancestral lands , continuing to practice hunting and gathering , devoted spiritual rituals , including prominently is ancestor worship and the dead.

Spirits of ancestors

Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Aborigines try to live in harmony with nature. One thing more difficult as they enter civilization and industry more heavily in life. Money and consumer goods attract especially young people . Many of them go to big cities and lose their cultural values

The belief that the physical world exists beyond life populated by different kinds of spiritual beings is a general certainty to Australian Aborigines . A kind of paradise , called "Time of Dreams " , the period in which they were created all natural forms of the universe , various nature spirits and elemental spirits . It's where we all come after our physical death , wait and guided by ancestors. Ancestral spirits have their dwelling in heaven , while the other spirits of plants and nature is everywhere . " Tintookies ", for example , live in the bush , " Tintuppa " in plants , and " Mimi " holes in the rocks. Aborigines know to activate the Djangal , spiritual energy " Time of Dreams " (a kind of cosmic paradise ) , practicing ceremonies learned from ancestors and entering thus into contact with the world beyond . They believe that through the spirit of the dead can get into the "Time of Dreams " which is eternal.
Link to ancestors do wirinunii (kind of healers and mages while ) receiving the gift to communicate through extrasensory perception , being able to extend the level of consciousness in the astral dimension ( " Dowie " - the astral body ) . Phenomenon requires a long start to increase sensitivity to psychic influences . A must have experienced mandatory initiated a ritual death and have experienced the transformation that followed . During this experience the expansion of consciousness that occurs in a trance , a lot of energy out of the physical body of the medicine man healer to convert wave energy then a kind of wings, used to help the astral body what detached from the physical body to travel to the spiritual dimension . ( An experienced extremely close to that of an apparent clinical death . ) At this stage , only a very thin wire astral bind him anymore quack body remained on earth. Through this process , sorcerers wirinun can access the astral plane , reaching the world who have left their physical body but not the spirit which is immortal aborigines . This weaves a direct link between everyday life of earthlings and the famous " Time of Dreams " , an essential link to the life and harmony tribe . A wirinun is able to communicate with loved ones or missing relatives and to meet our ancestors , to be able, then , to find answers to the living, beneficial messages in connection with the harvest , weather , health problems community daily .
Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Australian cave paintings . Because it did not know writing, expressing rituals aboriginal through paintings

Another method often used to get in touch with the spirit world is the ability to perceive vibration bulk surrounding world , a sort of receiver that picks up subtle signals emitted by any creature or object. With this method, obtained through a painstaking ritual wirinunii can testify that they saw in the spirit world .
There are many aboriginals , especially among the elderly , who naturally , a " sense" of the soul so developed , that no out of the physical body , are able to see, hear , feel and touch information belonging to the underworld .
The science of the spirit world is vital for aboriginal . They want to know what it looks like life after death , to know in detail the great plan mapped out by " Baiame " ( creator ) and the ancestors , the only ones who can provide information about the past , present and future . It's unbelievable how some people almost wild , living in huts and paint their body in different colors, comfort despise life, directing their efforts towards something much larger than just their existence and pass here on " TYA " ( Earth ) . Nowhere in the world there is a cult of the dead as " pragmatic " as aboriginal . Their rituals are not just a tradition but a way to exist, by exhortations received beyond.

Holy Mount Uluru

Cult of the dead and ritual communication with the world beyond attracts thousands of tourists, eager to share themselves from such spiritual initiation . The most popular places are some highlands , hilly formations , like elephant backs coming out of the red earth : Uluru and Kata Tjuta . Called the Olgas , Kata Tjuta rises to the east, at a height of 546 meters above the horizon. Some rock formations pursed , whose name, translated from Aboriginal means " place with many heads " because it is believed that the ancestors once lived there left in the world beyond . Lo- culture that is sacred to the Aborigines . Traditional laws are secret , known only as true keepers of ancient science .
Regarding Uluru is said of him that is a jewel of the Earth . For Aborigines , he is as holy as the Temple in Jerusalem for Hebrew , or as the Mohammedans Kaaba . According to legend , the Uluru started making world. Uluru is a place of pilgrimage for people of all cultures who come to experience the mystical . Sitting on an intersection of the major axes of the magnetic grid of the earth , like the great pyramids of Egypt, Uluru telluric energy emanates that those who go there say they feel like a magnetism that gives them power and creates optimism . Uluru is a place of quiet caves , lakes and waterfalls formed on rocks. Legends " Dream Time " in Aboriginal culture meet each other there , giving the place an inexpressible charm of ancient origin and rank mythologies.

 Aranda 's Bible ( the great god )
British missionary Carl Strehlow came to Australia in 1894 , offering local support attacks against white farmers . At the request of witch-doctors - healers ( wirinun ) , the British would preserve spiritual treasures for future time , which announce harder . From huge material he had available ( oral tradition ) , Strehlow finally constituted the so-called " Bible Aranda " and an Aboriginal language dictionary . Exhortations in the Bible were expressed in simple words :
Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Earth with lunar aspect

* Basic Laws of life will be preserved for future generations if people live in harmony with nature.
* Singing , dancing , storytelling active life energy .
* All people are responsible for the golden rules of life and spiritual values ​​to pass from one generation to another .
* Aboriginal parents do not see their children a good person. I do not feel responsible for their character and personality . Child's family is the whole community, where everyone has the same parents : the power of ancestors and worship mother earth .


aboriginal Flag

Aboriginal Flag was designed in 1971 by Harold Thomas , an Aboriginal artist . He was exposed for the first time on July 12, 1971 , National Day . Black ribbon represents aboriginal people . Yellow circle represents the sun and energy. Refers to the red ocher used in ceremonies and spiritual relationship Aborigines maintain on earth . This flag was not officially recognized by the government than on July 14, 1995 .

Gastroenteritis - always present a health problem

Gastroenteritis is the medical term rather unspecific used to describe a wide variety of diseases of the digestive tract . Defining element of the disease is inflammation of the gastrointestinal epithelium with consequent occurrence of diarrhea . If there is a predilection of gastric mucosal damage , the term used is that of " gastritis " and if it is affected especially the intestinal mucosa , the condition is called "Enter". Generalized inflammation can have many causes, the most common being the infectious (bacterial and / or parasitic ) . They are often present in contaminated food or water , and thus come into contact with the body . In some cases , bullying the epithelium can be represented even certain food itself irritation appear , in general , on a predispozand . A good example is the food gastroenteritis due to lactose intolerance .

 Many of the patients with episodes of diarrhea , accompanied or not by nausea and vomiting, see a doctor suspicionand food poisoning or digestive cold , although cold or flu does not have any connection with digestive symptoms . Gastroenteritis can have a more ... exotic , called " traveler's diarrhea " , a condition that occurs after consumption of food or water contaminated with various bacteria. It is most common where tourists prefer vacation destinations less developed countries .

 Gastroenteritis severity varies by individual patient , ie depending on how the immune system works . It can be competent and can successfully remove potentially pathogenic agent , or be defeated by it , and eventually clinical symptoms . The integrity of the immune system is so important because the effects of gastroenteritis are general, diarrhea ( and sometimes vomiting ), it robbed the body of electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium ) , and can lead to electrolyte imbalances important installation . In the majority of cases are self-limiting gastroenteritis , do not require specialized treatment , recovering individual and home health condition after several episodes of diarrhea . But if there is a background of immunosuppression marked , or if diarrhea -induced dehydration status is important, gastroenteritis can be a real health problem that should be treated as quickly and sometimes aggressive. Children , the elderly and immunocompromised ( HIV-infected patients post-transplant , patients taking corticosteroid long ) are risk groups that should not be overlooked or treated superficially when a suspected gastroenteritis.

 Gastroenteritis may occur at any age, its associated mortality is much higher but if extreme ages ( infants and elderly ) . Dehydration induced gastroenteritis remains an important cause of mortality in many underdeveloped countries . It is estimated that around the world are recorded annually between 5-10 million deaths from the disease acute .
Gastroenteritis has many causes: bacterial , viral and parasitic . Of these, the most commonly encountered in medical practice are the viral (especially in children) and the bacterial .

 It is very important that when the patient experiences diarrhea accompanied by nausea and vomiting and impaired general condition , gastroenteritis is diagnosed by exclusion preference because there are a number of systemic infections (such as pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis or infection tract urine ) that may have similar complaints .

 Infectious agents may have exogenous origin ( in the environment ) or can be of endogenous origin . In certain conditions , the bacteria in the digestive tract ( which normally have beneficial ) can proliferate very much and gets even pathogenicity characters , making them determine normal bowel alterations . Such a situation can occur if the patient is being treated with antacids or inhibit gastric secretion . It is known that stomach acid is an important factor that limits you in bacterial multiplication . Whenever it is reduced (eg , in the treatment of reflux oesophagitis , peptic ulcer ) , the entire digestive system suffers.

 Both viruses , and especially bacteria are very contagious and can spread easily through contaminated food , the transmission is favored by poor hygiene. In addition , the patient once infected, can autoinfecta , perpetuating the disease, if it has a rigorous hygiene , which includes washing hands thoroughly before each meal and after using the toilet . Washing hands is usually trivial, that you basic hygiene , but it is very important . Unfortunately , it is sometimes overlooked , especially by children. In the majority of cases ( up to 70 % ) , gastroenteritis viruses are due to enteric infections . Rotaviruses , caliciviruses , adenoviruses , Norwalk virus , coronaviruses and astrovirusurile are just a few of the commonly incriminated . Viral gastroenteritis resolve in 2-3 days without requiring specialist treatment if the patient is stable.
Rotaviruses are the leading cause of pediatric gastroenteritis . It seems that aproximtiv 30-40% of children diagnosed gastroenteritis viral nature . Rotavirus infection is particularly dangerous in children because it can cause a very severe diarrhea , the health of the patient destabilizandu rapidly . Dehydration occurs on this background is mainly in children , life-threatening . Viral gastroenteritis will not respond to treatment with antibiotics , so this should be avoided completely. Parents are advised to submit the child to a specialist and does not administer antibiotics at home. These are drugs directed exclusively against bacteria, they have no effect against viruses . In addition, given the chaotic , further disrupt the intestinal bacterial flora , thereby worsening general and intensify symptoms.
Bacterial gastroenteritis represents approximately 20% of all those diagnosed , and most times the bacteria involved are Salmonella , Shigellosis , yersiniosis , Clostridium difficile , Campylobacter and E. coli ( enterotoxigenic its subtypes , enteroaderent , enteroinvaziv , enterohaemorrhagic ) .

 One . Escherichia coli incriminated in traveler's diarrhea and dysentery in many colitis and uremic syndromes .

 Two . Salmonella is the etiologic agent of typhoid fever , and can easily be passed from animals, whether by manipulating individual does not wash their hands properly .

 Three . Campylobacter can be transmitted through inadequately cooked milk ( unpasteurized ) and the raw meat or " blood " .

 April . Shigella is incriminated in causing dysentery . Bacterial gastroenteritis are dangerous because they have a longer duration and often require specific treatment . They can endanger health by acute dehydration that favors the body as a direct result of electrolyte loss through diarrhea.

 Parasitic gastroenteritis are rare compared to viral and bacterial infections , but their presence should not be neglected . Giardia , Cryptosporidium parvum and Cyclospora are most often cited . They pose problems , especially in immunocompromised patients ( Cryptosporidium ) and children . 10% of the etiology of gastroenteritis and often pass only after administration of appropriate treatment . Way of contamination is in these cases digestive parasite can be ingested with food or water unhealthy . Swimming in contaminated pools can be a common way of transmission.

Other relatively common causes encountered noninfectious include:
- Contanimarea with exogenous toxins , food allergens , heavy metals . Most often heavy metals can contaminate drinking water.
- Poisoning of seafood toxins .
- Ingestion of drugs that can cause side effect gastroenteritis : NSAIDs, aspirin , antibiotics , laxatives , hormones, steroids, colchicine , cholinergic agents , sorbitol, quinidine .
- Excessive consumption of coffee and caffeine based products .
- Lactose intolerance .
- Pseudomembranous colitis .
- Side effects of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
- Carcinoid tumors .
- Crohn's disease .
- Ischemic colitis , ulcerative colitis.

Very many causes still remain unidentified , especially in underdeveloped countries . Afectiunele heal spontaneously but etiologic agent is not determined .

Gastroenteritis can affect the stomach and intestine in varying degrees.

The most common complaint of patients with acute disease such as:
- Moderate fever
- Nausea with or without vomiting
- Anorexia
- Headache
- Diarrhoea moderate intensity : between 2-4 stools per day .
- Bloating accompanied by intense abdominal cramps .
- Flatulence .
- Vomiting : Not in all cases , and not necessarily accompany diarrhea. But if present, gastroenteritis is more serious , such as dehydration may increase much faster .

Symptoms of worsening of general condition include:
- Hematemesis ( vomiting)
- Haematochezia
- Prolonged vomiting more than 48 hours
- High fever
- Intense abdominal pain localized mainly on the right abdominal flank
- Oliguria ( reduced urination numeric and quantitative) , sensation of dry skin , the appearance of mucosal dryness , excessive thirst (these are warning signs that indicate the installation of a state of acute dehydration )
- Alteration of consciousness
- Lethargy
Note !
Dehydration in infants is manifested by depression fontanelle , by withdrawing the eyes in their sockets , the appearance of dark circles by reducing urination and altering consistency and skin coloration . Any sign suggestive of a state of emergency requires disclosure inadequate hydration pediatrician or the emergency room of a hospital , that baby immediately receive the treatment they need.

Consulting a specialistSus
Gastroenteritis is a self-limiting disorder character . This is not the rule. There are certain risk categories , but there are situations in which the etiologic agent is so aggressive that it can overcome even the defense barrier integrity . Any malaise , characterized by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that lasts more than a day ( for adults ) must be investigated . These symptoms present in children , elderly and immunocompromised require presentation to hospital , any delay worsening of general conditions favoring .

If feeding and hydration are not possible at home ( for various reasons , including because there is a food intolerance in general ) should be provided to CAMERADATA guard . In such cases the patient is required parenteral rehydration achieved by infusion .

Emergency physician should want if you experience:
- Changing consciousness
- Blood in the stool (diarrhea with mucus and blood ) or vomiting fluid
- Vomiting that extend for a longer period than 48 hours
- Bloating painful
- Signs suggestive of dehydration.

Investigations paracliniceSus
Persistent diarrhea and vomiting are symptoms suggestive of a gastroenteritis , but they can occur in other diseases. Their cause should always be investigated properly . Investigation of patients with suspected gastroenteritis should start with history , within its physician can learn some very important information . It can determine whether acute or chronic symptoms character , if any risk factors for bacterial infections (such as trips to exotic countries ) , if the patient was under antibiotic treatment ( or other drugs that may encourage or induce such a condition ) . If the symptoms are lasting longer, for weeks , they are suggestive rather a chronic inflammatory condition or a disorder of the immune system . Sudden onset , in the absence of known risk factors may indicate a change unhealthy diet or administration may occur amid a new medication .

It is very important that prior to presentation to the doctor , the patient can describe some features of seats , particularly their frequency and appearance. Your doctor may ask if there is mucus and blood in the stool , or if they are just watery , since such information can guide the etiological diagnosis . Of course, samples will be collected and chairs, but if the patient can provide such information , they always prove useful . Other useful information that can be specified on diarrheal stools are if the amount reduced or increased if they have a high fat content ( whether floating or have an oily ) . Also , please note if during this period , signs of dehydration, if the patient could eat normally in this time or if the symptoms were so severe that they restricted diet .

 This foot is also a factor to be known . If the patient had fever or chills , they suggest marrow invasion and at least bacteremia , if the state was not already complicated with sepsis .
History will be completed with questions about personal and family history , it is important to determine if such symptoms occurred and other family members are registered or isolated , and if they were repeated in the past ( and have recurrent ) .
Note !
It is very important that patients with symptoms suggestive of a gastroenteritis to their doctor if they have recently traveled in developing countries or in exotic countries , if they swam in pools (possibly contaminated ) if they drank unfiltered water (eg rivers mountain ) , or if they made ​​major changes in diet or nutrition . Any change to the way in which cooked food can be incriminated in diarrhea and vomiting . Bacterial contaminated foods cause symptoms of gastroenteritis after a variable period , depending on each pathogen separately. For example , Salmonella contamination occurs after 12-72 hours , the Clostridium After 8-10 hours , the one with Staphylococcus aureus ( less common etiologic agent ) for 3-6 hours .

 Physical examination is a very important step that can be performed concurrently or consecutively anamnesis . Must be very thorough examination to detect signs of dehydration time , and other effects of the disease. The physical examination should be excluded and other causes of diarrhea, the differential diagnosis is done in the presence of these symptoms, : toxic megacolon , appendicitis , pancreatitis , cholecystitis acute hemolytic uremic syndrome .

 The most important element of the physical exam is to determine hydration status . Signs of dehydration are adults : dry membranes , tachycardia , hypotension , altered mental status objective , oliguria . Assessment of dehydration in young children is through observation seat and urination ( dry diaper often ) by the disappearance tears through a change ( downward ) capillary bed refill time ( recolor of skin ) by depression prior fontanelle .
 Examination of the abdomen should be done very carefully because it is often very sensitive, sensitivity is generalized . It is very important to determine whether it is an acute surgical abdomen , if there borborigme ( noise intestinal peristalsis suggests that is still preserved ) , if any abdominal masses ( abscesses) or organomegaly . Other diseases with similar symptoms to be excluded , so that no errors of treatment include acute appendicitis , acute pancreatitis , intestinal obstruction , pseudomembranous colitis and carcinoid tumors .

 Specialized laboratory investigations in such situations include the following :

 One . Microbiological analysis of the seat ( making coprocultures ) to determine possible etiopatiogenic agent involved
In this test can also determine whether or not leukocytes in the stool , their presence indicating the nature of inflammatory diarrhea . Approximately 90 % of patients infected with Salmonella and Shigella appear leukocytes in the stool . Such an investigation is useful only if it is suspected from the beginning a bacterial infection . Stool cultures should be performed if the patient has fever, bloody or mucous- bloody stools . Coprologic routine examinations are only able to determine infection with Salmonella , Shigella , Campylobacter and Yersinia . If you suspect other bacteria ( Vibrio cholerae species , E. coli ) will make special media culture . These methods are more expensive , however , and the results are more reliable .
Two . General Investigation Laboratory include assessment of renal function , liver , blood count and electrolytes analysis
These tests are only useful in assessing disease severity and patient's assessment of dehydration status , they can not determine the etiology of gastroenteritis . In patients with dehydration is recommended to determine the level of urea and creatinine for determining whether hyponatremia or hypernatremia installed .
Imaging investigations are recommended only if suspected bowel obstruction , toxic megacolon or intestinal perforation . Otherwise , they are not helpful and their achievement is not recommended.
Sigmoidoscopy is also an investigation in which only calls the special conditions , if there are signs indicating a possible inflammatory or pseudomembranous colitis .

The goals of treatment of patients with gastroenteritis are mainly avoiding the installation of state of dehydration, addressing key symptoms (especially pain, fever) , identifying and treating complications . Assessment of hydration status is still at presentation to the emergency room , during anamnesis .

 Implementation of measures to prevent dehydration installation can be taken by the patient at home , so to go to the emergency room .
Home Treatment

The most important recommendation in this situation is eating plenty of fluids . Since dehydration has many systemic consequences , it is important to bring body fluids consumed and part of the electrolytes that are lost through diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore , drinking water , water is the best fluid for rehydration , because its content is very low in electrolytes . For the same reason , and to avoid carbonated drinks , the caffeine based teas . Irritable bowel is able to absorb water properly , and in addition , it may further dilute electrolytes rest. Such complications can arise important electrolyte and even seizures .

Rehydration solutions must be done with children specifically designed to serve this purpose, which can be found in pharmacies and that adequate proportion of electrolytes. After each seat , children younger than 2 years should receive 100 ml of rehydration solution , and children older than 2 years can receive up to 250 ml of rehydration solution . Adults should drink plenty of fluids rehydration as mature organism needs are more complex .

These recommendations replace only losses diarrhea. Because hydration status to remain in optimal patients need to consume additional amounts of liquid .

If rehydration fluids are not available , experts have come up with a recipe for preparing mixtures can replace electrolyte losses . They contain 2 tablespoons of sugar ( or honey ) 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. They add to a liter of water that was previously boiled and cooled . Such a mixture can prevent electrolyte disorders , but the patient must be present at the hospital for his health then be properly evaluated and treatment to be more readily established .

Even though it may be more difficult , patients should try to consume and solid food. Experts insist that after 24 hours of liquid nourishment menu be made ​​of bananas , rice, applesauce (or applesauce, but no sugar ) , toast , pasta and tomatoes.

Specially designed children 's menu and it should situ only by your pediatrician . Small children should not receive ORS as tea, water or juice . In such situations there is a risk of inducing seizures hyponatremia. This infant must be submitted as soon as the doctor . In these cases the etiological treatment is very important . Subsequently the patient will receive a special diet consisting mainly of rice water , carrot soup , carob powder . Even in the present administration of fluids for rehydration , the child's condition can deteriorate rapidly. Presentation to the doctor becomes an emergency .

For adults dehydration can occur late as compared to children . The body in these situations a book much larger and can handle certain critical situations . But if no action is taken promptly , even the most resistant body will feel . The often severe complications and dehydration occur amid chronic conditions such as chronic kidney disease or diabetes.
Rehydration adults can be made with fruit juices , fluids and nelactozate necafeinizate . You can drink commercially available, whose purpose is rehydration and electrolyte rebalancing . After 24 hours the liquid diet , and after vomiting has stopped , it can set solid and semi-solid food diet , which may include the same principles food : carrots , rice , bananas , tomatoes , pasta and toast .
Patients should consult a physician of infectious disease , especially if the diarrhea is chronic , antibiotic treatment if there is substantive or if there are other concomitant infectious diseases (especially HIV infection ) .

Treatment specialitateSus
Experts recommend that patients presenting to the emergency room trying to rehydrate orally. If this is not an option (due to recurrent vomiting ) , the hospital will be rehydrate intravenously. In severe cases , the team of specialists who will take care of the patient may be more complex , including a gstroenterolog , toxicologist or general surgeon .
If the patient is unstable, therapeutic measures to be taken can be quite aggressive , rebalancing the body should be done as quickly .

Drug treatment aims to reduce intestinal motility , prevent complications and , if possible, to reduce the duration of the disease evolution . Recently was aprobabt and began to be used a rotavirus vaccine , for children . Take three boosters , from the age of 6-12 weeks of age and ending at 32 weeks .

Antiobiotic treatment is for cases of bacterial infectious gastroenteritis . These are the worst , and have a longer evolution . In addition, specific antibiotics may act only against bacteria . Treatment is not until after the etiologic diagnosis is established with certainty and wine and sensitivity testing . DST is an investigation after determining that antibioitice is sensitive bacteria incriminated in causing disease. If not use inappropriate antibiotics , there is a risk that the condition to worsen , and the intestinal flora to be extra aggressive.

Antibiotics chosen should cover a large range of germs ( to have broad spectrum ) . These include:
- Ciprofloxacin : recommended especially diarrhea Salmonella , Campylobacter , E. coli, Shigella and Yersinia .
- Trimethoprim - sulfamethoxazole : is used in patients age 18 and over , especially when it comes to diarrhea caused by Campylobacter .
- Vancomycin : is for treatment of Clostridium difficile diarrhea .

Antiemetic treatment is designed to reduce nausea and vomiting . It can have some side effects , especially if the patient is severely dehydrated. It should be taken very cautiously and only under medical supervision . The doses selected must be the least active , and often why such treatment is not recommended for children . Antiemetics included in current schemes include promethazine , prochlorperazine and ondansetron . Sometimes such drugs may also be administered in the form of suppositories , if the patient can not take orally.

Antidiarrheal agents Administration aims to reduce the number of seats and grow their consistency . Not recommended in patients with dysentery, and diarrhea should be administered only if not generated by toxigenic mechanism . Antidiarrheal agents currently used include Imodium ( loperamide ) , atropine sulfate .

Further treatment after initial stabilization of patients includes managing complications (both toxic and nontoxic ) , and of sepsis . Patients should be advised that after such a condition , it is possible that refueling is not as easy . There can be certain food intolerances , why not recommend a varied diet , and in any case a diet abundant. Foods should be reintroduced moderate gradually and as the body reobisnuieste them , the diet may be becoming more varied.

The most important recommendations to prevent pathogen infection are gastroenteritis been responsible for the appearance of respect for basic hygiene . Experts advise us to wash our hands often , especially after using the toilet , after handling money by using public transportation. It is also very important and the foods they eat to be stored in hygienic areas and temperatures preventing them from degradation and bacterial contamination .

Other tips include:
- Beblusilor laundry at high temperatures to destroy germs .
- Vaccination against rotavirus , Salmonella and Vibio against cholera .
- Avoid traveling in developing countries developmental points or avoid eating tap water if we are in such countries.
- Compliance with diets where there is lactose intolerance.
- Avoid seafood , especially by patients with state of immunosuppression.
- Avoiding bottled water . Water from rivers , lakes , no matter how clean it may seem, is often highly infested .

The most common complications associated gastroenteritis include:
- Dehydration ;
- Malabsorption ;
- Transient intolerance to lactose ;
- Chronic diarrhea ;
- Disseminated systemic infections ( meningitis , pneumonia , arthritis ) , especially Salmonella ;
- Haemolytic uraemic syndrome ;
- Toxic megacolon .