Saturday, January 18, 2014

aboriginal health issues

Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia

Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Holy Mount Uluru

In Australia there are over 500 Aboriginal peoples , divided into communities, each with its own language and its own territory. British Invasion that occurred at the end of the eighteenth century had catastrophic consequences on immediate life but also on local traditions and spirituality . However, ancestor worship and communicate with the world " outside " are still present , as the rituals of medicine men and healers , so-called wirinun

Earth is absolutely crucial for Aboriginal peoples , he being in the cultural and spiritual center of their lives . Before the invasion of Australia by the British, most of them settled along the coast of the continent in half community sedentary living from agriculture, fishing and cattle . Aborigines who were in the desert lands and lived by hunting and picking , practicing a technique of burning soil to encourage plant growth preferred by the animals they hunted . Also had and some very advanced techniques to find water .
Currently, more than half of aboriginal living in cities , most often at the periphery , in appalling conditions . Many others are employed as farmers on their lands were taken by force. Very few are those who - especially in the northern part of the continent - have managed to remain on their ancestral lands , continuing to practice hunting and gathering , devoted spiritual rituals , including prominently is ancestor worship and the dead.

Spirits of ancestors

Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Aborigines try to live in harmony with nature. One thing more difficult as they enter civilization and industry more heavily in life. Money and consumer goods attract especially young people . Many of them go to big cities and lose their cultural values

The belief that the physical world exists beyond life populated by different kinds of spiritual beings is a general certainty to Australian Aborigines . A kind of paradise , called "Time of Dreams " , the period in which they were created all natural forms of the universe , various nature spirits and elemental spirits . It's where we all come after our physical death , wait and guided by ancestors. Ancestral spirits have their dwelling in heaven , while the other spirits of plants and nature is everywhere . " Tintookies ", for example , live in the bush , " Tintuppa " in plants , and " Mimi " holes in the rocks. Aborigines know to activate the Djangal , spiritual energy " Time of Dreams " (a kind of cosmic paradise ) , practicing ceremonies learned from ancestors and entering thus into contact with the world beyond . They believe that through the spirit of the dead can get into the "Time of Dreams " which is eternal.
Link to ancestors do wirinunii (kind of healers and mages while ) receiving the gift to communicate through extrasensory perception , being able to extend the level of consciousness in the astral dimension ( " Dowie " - the astral body ) . Phenomenon requires a long start to increase sensitivity to psychic influences . A must have experienced mandatory initiated a ritual death and have experienced the transformation that followed . During this experience the expansion of consciousness that occurs in a trance , a lot of energy out of the physical body of the medicine man healer to convert wave energy then a kind of wings, used to help the astral body what detached from the physical body to travel to the spiritual dimension . ( An experienced extremely close to that of an apparent clinical death . ) At this stage , only a very thin wire astral bind him anymore quack body remained on earth. Through this process , sorcerers wirinun can access the astral plane , reaching the world who have left their physical body but not the spirit which is immortal aborigines . This weaves a direct link between everyday life of earthlings and the famous " Time of Dreams " , an essential link to the life and harmony tribe . A wirinun is able to communicate with loved ones or missing relatives and to meet our ancestors , to be able, then , to find answers to the living, beneficial messages in connection with the harvest , weather , health problems community daily .
Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Australian cave paintings . Because it did not know writing, expressing rituals aboriginal through paintings

Another method often used to get in touch with the spirit world is the ability to perceive vibration bulk surrounding world , a sort of receiver that picks up subtle signals emitted by any creature or object. With this method, obtained through a painstaking ritual wirinunii can testify that they saw in the spirit world .
There are many aboriginals , especially among the elderly , who naturally , a " sense" of the soul so developed , that no out of the physical body , are able to see, hear , feel and touch information belonging to the underworld .
The science of the spirit world is vital for aboriginal . They want to know what it looks like life after death , to know in detail the great plan mapped out by " Baiame " ( creator ) and the ancestors , the only ones who can provide information about the past , present and future . It's unbelievable how some people almost wild , living in huts and paint their body in different colors, comfort despise life, directing their efforts towards something much larger than just their existence and pass here on " TYA " ( Earth ) . Nowhere in the world there is a cult of the dead as " pragmatic " as aboriginal . Their rituals are not just a tradition but a way to exist, by exhortations received beyond.

Holy Mount Uluru

Cult of the dead and ritual communication with the world beyond attracts thousands of tourists, eager to share themselves from such spiritual initiation . The most popular places are some highlands , hilly formations , like elephant backs coming out of the red earth : Uluru and Kata Tjuta . Called the Olgas , Kata Tjuta rises to the east, at a height of 546 meters above the horizon. Some rock formations pursed , whose name, translated from Aboriginal means " place with many heads " because it is believed that the ancestors once lived there left in the world beyond . Lo- culture that is sacred to the Aborigines . Traditional laws are secret , known only as true keepers of ancient science .
Regarding Uluru is said of him that is a jewel of the Earth . For Aborigines , he is as holy as the Temple in Jerusalem for Hebrew , or as the Mohammedans Kaaba . According to legend , the Uluru started making world. Uluru is a place of pilgrimage for people of all cultures who come to experience the mystical . Sitting on an intersection of the major axes of the magnetic grid of the earth , like the great pyramids of Egypt, Uluru telluric energy emanates that those who go there say they feel like a magnetism that gives them power and creates optimism . Uluru is a place of quiet caves , lakes and waterfalls formed on rocks. Legends " Dream Time " in Aboriginal culture meet each other there , giving the place an inexpressible charm of ancient origin and rank mythologies.

 Aranda 's Bible ( the great god )
British missionary Carl Strehlow came to Australia in 1894 , offering local support attacks against white farmers . At the request of witch-doctors - healers ( wirinun ) , the British would preserve spiritual treasures for future time , which announce harder . From huge material he had available ( oral tradition ) , Strehlow finally constituted the so-called " Bible Aranda " and an Aboriginal language dictionary . Exhortations in the Bible were expressed in simple words :
Forgotten Civilizations : The Aborigines of Australia
Earth with lunar aspect

* Basic Laws of life will be preserved for future generations if people live in harmony with nature.
* Singing , dancing , storytelling active life energy .
* All people are responsible for the golden rules of life and spiritual values ​​to pass from one generation to another .
* Aboriginal parents do not see their children a good person. I do not feel responsible for their character and personality . Child's family is the whole community, where everyone has the same parents : the power of ancestors and worship mother earth .


aboriginal Flag

Aboriginal Flag was designed in 1971 by Harold Thomas , an Aboriginal artist . He was exposed for the first time on July 12, 1971 , National Day . Black ribbon represents aboriginal people . Yellow circle represents the sun and energy. Refers to the red ocher used in ceremonies and spiritual relationship Aborigines maintain on earth . This flag was not officially recognized by the government than on July 14, 1995 .

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